The glass in your windows is not as solid as it might appear. It’s actually quite porous and because of this, contaminants can penetrate the glass and have an adverse effect beneath a window’s surface. This is why we recommend regular window cleaning in Auckland homes and businesses. Not only will your windows shine, but they’ll also be much stronger and more durable.
Window cleaning is an important part of our services because it serves a dual purpose of making a residential or commercial property look better while protecting a key part of that asset. External windows take a hammering from rain and wind, and all the minute particles that come with them. These particles act as corrosive contaminants and over time they’ll seep through the glass and make it weaker, as well as cloudier and more stained. When this happens, glass is more liable to chip, or even to crack for no apparent reason. It might also come loose from the frame, eliminating the tight seal that keeps moisture out.
Internal windows are not immune. Cigarette smoke, steam, and humidity are just a few things that can build up on windows and do damage over time. These residual factors eventually embed themselves within the glass, with that cloudy effect being a sure sign that it has occurred. No amount of cleaning, even by the professionals, will get rid of that ugly, misty window smog! And at the same time, the glass is weaker and compromised and will need replacing sooner rather than later.
This is why regular window cleaning is essential. Frequent cleaning means there’s no chance of contaminants building up on the glass, and within it. As a result, windows stay stronger for longer. The glass in windows will age and become more brittle over time – just like we humans do! – but when cleaned on an ongoing basis, it stays in good shape and does the job it is meant to do. A scheduled window cleaning programme is the best way to do that, and far more cost-effective and convenient than replacing windows, especially in a large residential or commercial property that has a lot of them. So, for appearance’s sake, as well as protecting your property, get in touch with us and discuss window cleaning, both inside and out. The more often we do it, the better off you’ll be in the long run.