One of our more popular services at this time of year is house washing Auckland. People like to get the exteriors of the home looking good before they hibernate, as they tend to stay indoors and leave outdoor jobs until the weather warms up. Because we can clean the exterior of their home, usually in conjunction with a roof wash and window clean, they can “hibernate” knowing that their home presents a clean and presentable face to the world. So, while we’re on the topic of getting things done in winter, here is a checklist of other things you can do at this time of the year:
- It’s a smart idea to check the heating sources in your home. A maintenance visit by a reputable company will ensure your house stays warm when you need it most.
- Change the battery and test each smoke alarm. Don’t take any chances with this one. You’ll be using heaters and electric appliances more at this time of year, and doing a lot more cooking too. The risk of fire increases as a result so make sure your alarms are in working order.
- Seal gaps around windows and doors. You can check for draughts by lighting a candle and holding it near each door or window. If the flame flickers, you know that you have a gap that needs to be sealed off with a sealant, or a draught stopper at the bottom of the door, or taping around the window frame.
- Ask us to do an interior window clean. On a fine winter’s day, a clean window, both inside and out, will let in more heat and light.
- While you’re on the phone with us, ask us to clean your roof gutters as well. The last thing you want is for them to clog and overflow in the middle of winter. This can cause all sorts of problems, including the collapse of the guttering, damage to surrounding structures and the infiltration of water into the home.
- Clear leaves and other debris from your drains around the property. This will stop flooding on a rainy day.
These are a few of the most important things you can do before you shut yourself away for winter. Completing these tasks will help you create a warmer, drier, safer and more comfortable home during the cooler months. Many of those tasks can be handled by us, so contact us today and we’ll take care of them for you.